Directed by Lara Okamoto, “Alice By Heart” is a new musical brought to the Summit stage in early December. The show has only been performed a handful of times Off-Broadway, as licensing only recently became available in 2023.
A story about loss, grievance and fantastical wonderlands set in a 1941’s London bomb shelter during the Blitz, “Alice By Heart” features musical talents originally written by Duncan Sheik and Steven Sater, the minds behind “Spring Awakening,” another coming-of-age production.
Considering how active the theatre community is in Central Oregon, it’s a delight for stage-fanatics that “Alice By Heart” finally makes its rounds with Summit High School. Auditions and casting has already passed, making way for several weeks of rehearsals for a vigorous show.
“I feel great knowing that everyone is equally committed and dedicated to making the show truly amazing,” said Summit senior and president of Summit Theatre club Natalie Tripp, portraying the Queen of Hearts.
Musicals have frequently been the most extravagant productions by Summit’s theatre department each year, and should be celebrated as proof of the school’s diverse artistry. If the show were to become a massive success, alike “Little Shop of Horrors” by Summit in early 2023, our school’s performative arts culture would be impacted for the better, raising funding and recognition for the department.
“This cast is absolute perfection, the crew is immensely talented, and our creative team is going to bring something to the stage that Summit has never seen before,” said Tripp. “This isn’t going to be a show people want to miss!”
Lead your family down a rabbit hole, keep an eye out for ticket dates on December 1, 2, 3, 7 and 9—help make this show possible!