Why You Should Keep JID on Repeat, Forever
A review of the Atlanta rapper’s most recent release, and what makes him a generational talent
Among the psychedelic calamity of modern hip hop, JID’s “The Forever Story” offers a refreshing break from today’s overly saturated media. The Atlanta rapper’s third studio length album draws stark contrast between his previous projects, especially his debut album “The Never Story,” purposely showcasing his growth and development throughout his career. On this new record, influences from several collaborations with groups such as Dreamville, Earthgang, and Spillage Village shine through in the form of jazzy production, incredibly fast lyrics, and an almost gospel style flow.
The record begins with a short but soulful intro titled “Galaxy” starting off the album with group singing in which JID’s voice can be heard distinctly. However, the track directly after, titled “Raydar,” dives deep into trap inspired beats and intense lyricism present on many of JID’s most popular songs. What truly makes this track stand out is the immensely different style and approach JID takes, the song serves as a throwback for some of his long time fans as well as a commentary on class inequality and racism. Although delivered incredibly fast, the lyrics on this track are filled with not only commentary on the flaws within the music industry, but also boasting over his success. The first two tracks on this record truly set the tone for the rest of the album, like a trailer for a movie that makes you want to watch the rest as soon as possible.
In track five we are met with our second feature on the album, EARTHGANG, who are longtime collaborators with JID. On “Can’t Punk Me” we are given insight into what it was like growing up in Atlanta and how it has shaped the artists attitude towards life, JID starts this theme off with lyrics depicting violence within the poor communities he grew up in. Bars such as “Ain’t never been of of Flat Shoals, the fuck is a foreign?” explain JID’s limited knowledge with high commodity goods, such as a foreign car, while other lines graphically explain gun violence he has experienced. The first verse builds quickly up to the chorus which is delivered as an intensely angry and repetitive chant with undertones of pride. EARTHGANG rounds out this track with two verses furthering the themes presented by JID with their own signature flow. Fans of EARTHGANG may welcome this track with open arms but for the uninitiated the extreme change in style on this track when compared to the rest of the album may be overwhelming.
The last third of this record feels sort of trance-like, tracks begin to blend together and feel as if you are listening to one strung out song. Airy and dreamlike beats to accompany some of JID’s slower vocals on tracks such as “Stars” allow for the listener to feel lost within the concepts discussed on the record without feeling overwhelmed. Other tracks such as “Money” bring the listener back to a more bouncy and happy mood. Each of these songs slowly build to the final track on the record “Lauder Too” where JID really let his talent shine through. Confusing wordplay coupled with exact annunciation of every word at an insanely fast pace will leave you in awe over the performance he delivered. A perfect end to the record created to put JID’s talent, and growth since the beginning of his career on display. “The Forever Story” serves as a perfect step in his career, the album has minimal drawbacks and really allows JID to fully showcase his talent. This album has been on repeat in fans minds since it was released, easily distinguished as JID’s best record to date. Anyone who has not given this album a listen yet is strongly encouraged to as soon as they can, while the rest of us are already watching the clock waiting for the next time JID releases a song.

Whether in snow or sun, Kian Warnock is always ready to find adventure nearby. Skiing, biking, and swimming are only a few of the hobbies Kian enjoys, and he is always looking for new activities to do....