An “Invisible Wave” of Genius
An instrumental album that creates an opposing take on what modern music can be.
As Bear Garden states on his website, he is “defying musical borders [and] atmospheric soundscapes” and has “an uncompromising movement forward.” But who is this underrated mastermind?
Bear Garden is nothing short of an artistic genius. Martin Wirén, professionally known as Bear Garden, uses his musical talent along with artistic style to present an intriguing sophomore album. He doesn’t have the mainstream popularity that most artists seek—With only 2,175 Instagram followers, 440 Youtube subscribers, and 38,697 monthly Spotify listeners, this Swedish musician has yet to break through American doors.
In songs such as “Electric Butterfly” or “Sunshine Fruit,” we can hear a joyous celebration. However, a lot of the time they are very similar, having the same, or very close to, introduction and even sax melodies. We get a basic percussion and piano background with overlaying wind instruments such as saxophones, trumpets and trombones. His saxophone is always highlighted in some way, along with an occasional focus on the different instruments, whether it’s a simple fast-paced run or basic scale.
The main difference within this album comes in the form of “Invisible Wave,” which lacks the upbeat, signature saxophone we normally hear. In fact, this song has no winds whatsoever, just an occasional piano note and the ambient sleep song-like background. Along with the music video, a short 2-minute dance, we are able to feel the confusion and need for something more. Almost as if this dancer is stuck in the same position, trying to move forward but can’t. The dancer takes off their jacket, which can represent their security blanket protecting them from the possibility of advancing in their search for unknown freedom, but finds themselves back where they were as they put it back on again.
Bear Garden is a musician. Trained and conditioned. However, people of our generation may overlook artists such as Bear Garden for the lack of lyrics to connect to. But that’s the fun part. We get to listen and decide for ourselves what these songs mean specifically to us.

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