Colette Lorge, Staff Writer
Often found stressing over the fact she procrastinated school work, Colette Lorge – a sophomore staff writer, is one of the newest members of News staff. Working late nights at Zydeco as a host and early mornings at Found Natural Goods, you can often find her running around trying to get to her next extracurricular or job on time. Coming up with new vegan-gluten-free recipes for her and her dad, forgetting to water her plants and then overwatering them, Colette prides herself on always showing up with a smile on her face (even if she’s a hot mess). Colette had been trained as a classical musician on the viola for 8 years as well as she has been learning the guitar, piano and cello. Her unique style and music taste defines her. This is Colette’s first year as a staff writer and is not only excited to grow as a writer but to also grow as a person.