Julia Burdsall, Co-Editor-In-Chief
When she’s not making a list with her plethora of glitter pens, you’ll almost always find Julia at a coffee house experimenting with various types of milks in her lattes—all non dairy of course. Along with writing highly controversial satires, Julia also loves editing articles and designing the paper with her fabulous comrades and fellow Editor in Chiefs, Barbara and Viansa. But, when she’s out of the classroom, she’ll either be taking photos of herself crying—probably has to do with math—or consuming a ghastly amount of caffeine and having an impromptu solo dance party at 1am. Beyond her duties in the news staff classroom, Julia also has a passion for soccer and lacrosse. By that I mean, she enjoys cheering very loudly for her teammates on the bench. As a Senior, she’s elated to be going to college in a year’s time—hopefully she stops procrastinating those 11 college essays—but is looking forward to her last two semesters writing for the paper whether that’s online or in person!