Kristy Knoll Becomes The New Dean of Students
As of Nov. 4th, a new dean position was incorporated into school’s administration team, the role is now filled by Kristy Knoll.
Knoll will continue to teach her fifth through seventh period classes but a different teacher, Colin Price, will take over periods one through four while Knoll completes her duties as dean.
“Mr. Price has several years of experience as an English teacher, having taught at Sisters High School and overseas for several years in the small country of Oman. He’s going to be awesome,” Knoll said.
Along with being the dean, Knoll will also continue her studies to earn an administration license, which will allow her to become a principal. Knoll will take over the duties of AP Coordinator from Mary Thomas, assistant principal.
“[The dean] is not an easy position to take over while still teaching… it’s like learning a new system: staying with your students that you already have and then attending school full time, Knoll has a lot of responsibilities now,” Thomas said.
Improving attendance rates is also a part of Knoll’s objectives and the two attendance staff that were brought in at the beginning of school last year.
“One of my main jobs as dean will be to help students understand the importance of being in class,” Knoll said. “I’m hoping to work closely with our two attendance staff, Darcy and Lynette and really trying to get to the heart of why some students have a hard time getting to class.”
The school’s dean position wasn’t filled after former dean, Reno Holler, became an assistant principal due to budget cuts. However, Katie Legacy, the current head of secondary schools, made it possible for every high school to hire a dean this year.
“I recently entered a program to earn my administration license, so this opportunity is absolutely amazing in its timing and content,” Knoll said. “The current administration at Summit has been encouraging me in this endeavor, so when each high school was given the green light to hire a part time dean, Mr. McDonald offered me the chance to go for it and I eagerly accepted.”
Furthermore, Knoll’s home responsibilities have also impacted her, such as being the mother of two, which helped motivate her into accepting this position.
“I also accepted this position because there aren’t very many female administrators at the high school level and I want to be a positive role model for students and for my own two daughters,” Knoll said.
By taking on this role, Knoll will be able continue the job she loves and pursue a leadership role in high school administration.