Summit is putting on an Open Mic Night at Thump’s NW York Dr location tomorrow, March 5, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. for local artists and audiences to enjoy. Artists including poets, singers, impressionists and more made appearances last year and there are sure to be some amazing performances this year. Students are encouraged to participate, regardless of their enrollment in a music or art elective. Anyone interested in performing can sign up with this link and contact Summit student council with any additional questions. Make your way to Thump tomorrow for a delicious pastry or drink and some incredible entertainment!
Upcoming Showcase of Local Artists: Open Mic Night
Head to Thump on March 5 to listen to artists share their talents!

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About the Contributor

Josephine Hall, Managing Editor
Often found working through a pile of homework or never ending college applications, while listening to music, Josephine Hall—one of your managing editors—is so excited for this year’s paper. Whether it’s tennis, her volunteer club, schoolwork, long runs, getting overpriced iced lattes, reading, or hanging out with friends, Josephine thrives when busy! Her passions include: traveling, shopping, volunteering and rewatching Gilmore girls with her cat, Oreo. Josephine loves writing and can’t wait to see what this year brings for The Pinnacle!