Unsportsmanlike, entitled rich brats. These are all reputations that Summit High School students have been known to carry with them wherever they go, but are Summit students the ones who cause this backlash, or are they being wrongly accused?
A new policy was put in place at the start of the 2023-2024 school year for sporting events, specifically football games. The new policy is not allowing any negative or foul behavior, and also removing the designated seating for everyone but seniors, who will occupy the first two rows at games.
While the loudest students are often the ones who are on the front-line at sporting events, not every student at Summit is interested in putting the other team down.
“There was a team decision by admin, and our activities director, and our student council to improve our game fan behavior,” said Principal McDonald. “Last year especially at football games we saw some behavior we really didn’t like.” Principal McDonald then went on to explain that student behavior didn’t feel safe or focused on school spirit.
So Summit students are putting out a negative image of themselves. “In the past we have had students watching who were super disrespectful in general, and so I know that things were done to stop that,” said Summit Librarian Elia Overcash.
Grad Coach Denise Horton said, “It’s so easy to say, ugh so many students are doing this thing, when really so many students are doing the right thing, and the good thing, and the kind thing, it’s just those students don’t require a ton of our attention.” And even more, “When we had these admin meetings when all the comprehensive principles from all the high schools met, they were experiencing the same things.” So it’s not just Summit, and it’s not all of Summit. “Reputations are funny ‘cause it like depends on who you ask,” says Horton. “When I’m in the community and I tell people I work at Summit, the response is pretty neutral.”
In general, it’s very few students who are causing the new mandates and negative talk from other schools. Most students are doing the right thing and the good thing, and are recognized for doing so, but if you know that other people are talking about what you did, it might be a good time to check yourself before you wreck the public image of Summit High School.