2022-23 Fall Season Wrap-Up

 As the end of the 2022-2023 fall sports season wraps up, the Summit Storm conquered the Intermountain Conference, claiming five out of the six championship titles.

 While the Storm march towards playoffs in all fall sports, football and boy’s soccer both took the #1 spot throughout OSAA’s 5A competition. Summit’s football team has dominated the IMC, winning every game by at least 14 points. Boys and girls soccer have both crushed their opponents, going 9-0-1 for the girls and 10-0 for the boys. Both teams have allowed minimal goals, with the girls allowing five throughout the season and the boys’ team allowing only one.

 In overall 5k cross country times, Summit junior Noah Laughlin-Hall and sophomores Hayden Boaz and Jackson Dean-Ziegler took three of the five top times for the IMC. As for the girls, the five best results were claimed by Summit athletes: seniors Ella Thorsett, Barrett Justema, Claire McDonald, Camille Broadbent and freshman Taylin Bowen.

 All of Summit’s fall sports, including volleyball, headed to playoffs this season. Volleyball kicked off playoffs losing 0-3 Saturday, October 29 at La Salle Prep.