Shop Andie’s Closet

High school teen creates a business from scratch that’s not only affordable but adorable.

The mental image of scrambling to pick out an outfit before school, not quite finding something that feels perfect for the day, is a relatable event for many teens. It doesn’t help that teenagers often feel like no local shops can cater to their personal style. So what can you do to avoid the discontentment of a morning outfit scramble? For many, moving to online shops might just be the move. Finding those perfect pieces of clothing that not only match your character but make you feel confident, is arguably one of the most satisfying feelings a highschooler can have. Andie Taylor’s clothing business is the perfect route to head if you want to find items of clothing that give you that feeling of comfort and confidence, while also making a unique shift in your personal style. 

When Taylor was in middle school she described her style as geared more towards comfort rather than fashion. However, once Taylor entered high school she started to express her personality through her wardrobe. 

“Once I hit high school my style had a huge shift which I think correlates with the idea of coming into one’s self and self discovery,” Taylor said.

Inspired by her mom and grandma, Taylor started selling clothes on Depop back in 2016, her 7th grade year. A couple years later, in 2019, she developed an even larger passion for fashion, and that’s when she opened her own Depop business, “shopandiescloset”.  

Bringing much joy into her life, Taylor finds that a big part of her time is spent sewing and selling clothes. In her business, Taylor curates pieces from thrift stores all over central Oregon–going from sisters to Redmond, and sometimes going even further to Portland. Selling just shy of 3,500 items, Taylor’s hobbie is a fully fledged business. 

“A big difficulty would be when an item doesn’t sell and just sits in my stock room for months, however it teaches me patience and ends up going to a buyer who really loves the piece which is always fulfilling,” Taylor said. 

Taylor’s shop has an array of trendy clothing, often vintage, that ranges from all sizes, shapes, and colors. She would describe her personal style as “electric, hippie, and skater.” She finds that the pieces on her Depop tend to reflect her own style in many ways.

Senior Sophie Cauble adores Taylor’s shop. She rocks multiple pieces of clothing from the store, such as sweatshirts, pants, and mini skirts. Cauble loves that “shopandiescloset” has clothing that is different from what everybody else has seen and worn.

“I think what makes Andie so successful is her dedication and consistency to keeping up on her shop, she’s very passionate about it and it shows in how fast her following grew,” Cauble said.

Taylor’s account on Depop isn’t just a local business, it’s worldwide. She has successfully sold pieces of clothing from Oregon to Russia, Canada, England and France. Selling both nationwide and internationally, Taylor harbors clothing that speaks to all different fashion cultures. Even the insta influencer Ruby Lyn, with over 500k followers, purchased a jacket from Taylor, tagging her while wearing it. Clearly, Taylor is creating a large platform for her brand.

“Andie finds pieces that are from diverse parts of fashion culture so I think anyone no matter their style will be able to find something they liked,” said Jenna Brown, long time friend of Taylor who has been supporting the shop since it started.

Along with Cauble, Brown recently has bought a sparkly ring-neck, red and black, tank to wear this summer. It’s a unique piece of clothing that Brown would have never picked out for herself. 

The amount of time, hard work, and passion that Taylor puts into her business is undeniably astounding. Taylor has inspired students not only at Summit High School but all around the world to find the clothing that makes them feel satisfied.