A Recap of Simple Tips on Surviving 10 Days of Quarantine

This pandemic has taken a toll on all of us in one way or another, but caring for one’s mental and physical health is bound to help the time pass smoothly.

Art by Elliana Bowers

Danielle Evans, Staff Writer

Over the last two years, we’ve learned that being cooped up indoors is a small price to pay compared to getting COVID-19, especially if the virus hits you hard. Though this experience can at times be boring and lonely, there are ways to make it less dull and more productive. 

First, let’s normalize some things: lying in bed and scrolling through Tik Tok for hours on end is sometimes just what you need, at times even getting out of bed can be a challenge. During my isolation, I often caught myself scrolling through Instagram and Snapchat for hours. It became a habit consisting of lots of time with a screen and less with school work. 

Falling behind is normal but catching up is hard. Without the help from my teachers and with the lost class time, I couldn’t help feeling overwhelmed and disconnected. 

One thing I did that helped me diffuse my stress was painting. I’ve never had any painting experience or taken any classes on the topic, but I decided to give it a try. And you know, it isn’t so bad! Suggestion; try something new that you have absolutely no idea how to do. Let those creative juices flow while you’re stuck inside all day. 

While it’s normal to struggle with balancing sickness and school, here are some things to avoid; sleuthing around each and every day, lacking on the intake of water restorative foods and having your eyeballs glued to a screen all day.  

Remember to still go outside, whether to lay in a grassy spot in a park, sit on your deck, porch and even roof or to go on a stroll about your neighborhood. Catching some sun rays will boost your energy more than you think. 

“It’s good to get active during quarantine and I did things like yoga and went on family walks,” said Saylor Gillet, Summit sophomore, who was exposed to COVID.

After getting your daily dose of vitamin D, stretch or move your body in some kind of way. It could be a YouTube instructional video on yoga, belly dancing, moon walking, or even an at home workout (if you are feeling up for it), a walk to the end of the block, or just a walk up and down your staircase a couple times. Whatever you choose, move your body in way that is manageable.

During my time in quarantine I would discover that I do, in fact, like to eat whenever I am bored. And being stuck at home all day, being bored out of my mind didn’t come as a surprise! Although eating popcorn and lucky charms all day sufficed my cravings, eating some greens or an orange would have proven beneficial. 

“Eating healthy and drinking water is the best advice [I’ve heard]. I really enjoyed making tea because there are so many different kinds and all are good for you!”  said Mallory Rosen, summit sophomore, who quarantined last May.

Rosen also mentions the importance of keeping in touch with your friends and family who’ve been keeping their distance during your time in quarantine..

“At first, I was embarrassed to tell my friends because I felt bad in case they were exposed, but they were very understanding and checked in with me,” she said. 

I can’t explain how important it is to stay in touch and keep your friends and family, even teachers and classmates, updated during your time in quarantine. Being isolated for that amount of time can be tough, but keeping those connections will help boost mental health as well as work as a distractor from boredom.

Whether it’s binge watching your favorite show, cooking that new recipe, or trying yoga for the first time, this is a reminder that it’s good to take care of yourself no matter how little the action is. Be proud of yourself for getting out of bed, be proud of soaking up the sun, be proud to eat healthy and healing foods, be proud of yourself for doing the best you can during these demanding times.