Summit Teachers Go Above and Beyond to Create Meaningful Relationships With Their Students

Ella Byrnes, Staff writer

Nearly 4 years ago our seniors walked through our doors as wide eyed freshmen, excited to embark on their highschool journey. As time has passed our students have grown up and the teachers have grown with them leaving a huge impression on our students lives. Majority of the upperclassmen have a teacher they have cherished and appreciated since the beginning of their duration at Summit.

Many kids shared that their preferred way of learning is with a more animated teacher. A teacher that physically puts on a show and engages the class in whatever they are working on. Weather that looks like blasting 2000s pop as you walk in the door, like Erin Caroll honors lit teacher, or jumping on desks or hiding in cabinets like James Williams freshman lit teacher and  news staff executive.

“Teachers who are more on the quiet side just aren’t as entertaining as a teacher who gets up in front of the class and entertains,” senior Meredith Nader said. 

However our lit and comp teachers aren’t the only shining stars amongst students. Mr. Turnbull, a beloved track coach and health teacher, constantly keeps his class entertained while preaching a healthy lifestyle and the importance of exercise. 

“I will go as far as to throw a dodgeball at a students head if they aren’t engaged in class,” Turnbull said. His silly technique has made more than a few students look forward to his classes. 

 “He is a very compelling guy, whatever he has to say the team is always ready to listen, that doesn’t usually happen with the other coaches,” Andrew Skidmore, a junior, who has had Turnbull as a Track coach for two years, said. 

Cameron Woods, a senior this year, had nothing but positive things to say about Travis Bean, one of the summit’s many science teachers. 

“Freshman year I had Bean and it was also his first year at Summit so I felt like we grew together.” Woods said. He likes Bean’s calm demeanor and quiet way of teaching.

 “It’s much easier to focus,” Woods said about Bean’s teaching style. With help from Bean freshman year, Woods excelled in school and was able to start to establish a healthy school and athletic relationship. Freshman year, with the encouragement from Bean, Woods started lacrosse and developed a passion for the sport.

 “Mrs. Holdredge is always nice, and has made a really safe classroom for all her students,” senior Lily Sterling said. Like Lily, many students expressed that they enjoy a safe focused environment in a classroom to get their work done.

As our seniors and juniors work through their 2021-2022 school year in preparation for graduation, they will do it with the helping hands of our beloved teachers here. As a Summit community many kids had similar opinions in what they liked in their teacher, but rarely did the students have the same favorite teacher. This just shows what a variety of teachers we have at Summit and how much they are appreciated by the student body, leaving a lasting impression on students’ lives.