- NewsTickets cost $10 and all proceeds support our sparrow, Juliet.
March 19, 2025
Scarlett Tucker, Opinions Editor - FeaturesBeloved Mrs. Overcash makes her move from Summit to Switzerland at the end of this year
March 14, 2025
Caitlin Houston, Features Editor - OpinionTeenagers don’t know where to draw the line with their jokes
March 7, 2025
Khloe Garrett, Staff Writer - Storm SpotlightFrom the woodshop to robotics, this senior has engineered himself a bright future
March 4, 2025
Lauren Shein, Features Editor
Summit56La Salle Prep57Mar 15 / Boys Basketball
Summit47Canby45Mar 14 / Boys Basketball
Summit54Thurston46Mar 13 / Boys Basketball
Summit41Wilsonville73Mar 13 / Girls Basketball

On March 1, Summit’s Mock Trial teams competed in regionals against Bend High and Cascades Academy. Though...

Summit is putting on an Open Mic Night at Thump’s NW York Dr location tomorrow, March 5, from 3:30...

This Saturday, March 1, Summit’s two mock trial teams will be going against local rivals at regionals...

Eating out as someone who is gluten free can turn into a saga. It can go from being straight up rejected...

Students slide awkwardly like penguins on the sidewalk on their way to school, some even slip on the...

In Bend especially, sports are a person’s identity. From a young age, there are soccer games, ski lessons...

In a cramped office corner, a grand piano sits beside a bass, glockenspiel, drum set, full string quartet,...

It’s 8:45 AM, you’re barely awake but still muster the energy to get ready and walk into class. Your...

As a 16-year-old who recently acquired her license, I thought that I could leave the oh-so-embarrassing...

The UK Alt mastermind's first exploration into their complex and raw breed of alternative and rock serves...

A delivery of tender poetry from the heavens, aka Sampha. Lahai is gentle and warm sonically, contrasted...

You walk into a movie theater down 20 bucks but ecstatic to see the latest horror movie. After stocking...

Summit struggled from beyond the arc Friday night but with suffocating defense and a solid fourth quarter,...

The College Football Playoff needs to change, and it needs to change now. After an unexpected early...

Bend Endurance Academy is hosting the 2025 Climbing Youth Bouldering Regional championship on Jan. 11....